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Brady Street



Where to stay in Milwaukee

Altre zone nei dintorni di Milwaukee

HotelTonight – Brady Street Hotels in Seconds

Milwaukee is a city that's a smooth mix of old and new, of tradition and forward thinking. It's a city that's filled with pockets of neighborhoods that each offer something unique, and much of that has to do with the roots of these little communities. It used to be that in Milwaukee, like in most other places, immigrants from a particular country would settle into neighborhoods with recent immigrants from those same countries. You can still see that in quite a few neighborhoods, and as I found out recently, one of them in Milwaukee is Brady Street. I recently booked my return flight from a work trip to Milwaukee a day out on purpose so I could explore Brady Street. I looked forward to it and didn't worry about accommodations ahead of time, as I had HotelTonight on my phone and knew I'd find a Brady Street hotel within seconds. I couldn't wait to get started with my exploration.

Italian Roots

As mentioned above, a lot of people from certain countries settled together here when they immigrated to the United States. The Brady Street neighborhood was initially settled in large part by people from Italy, and you can see that influence still today with the Italian markets and restaurants that dot the landscape here. I even stopped into one of these Italian delis for lunch and ordered two Italian sausage sandwiches. Just the smell of them told me that they knew what they were doing, and I was right. These links were cooked perfectly, served on a warm, tender roll and topped with peppers. Delicious.

Other History

As you spend more time here, you see other parts of history that remain on or near Brady Street. In the 1960's, this area was the neighborhood that became the hippie haven of Milwaukee, and there are still shops along the main drags that offer clothing from that era. Some of it was actually restored from 50 years ago, while other stores offered clothing in that style, but that was manufactured recently. I spent hours shopping and browsing, and quite a few different places had wall-sized photos from that time in our history. It was a fascinating shopping excursion to say the least.

The Nightlife

Brady Street has always been known for one thing perhaps above all others, and that's the nightlife here. You can certainly go find your big dance clubs and the like if that's your thing, but what intrigued me was that every few blocks had its own little tavern, complete with regulars and really good drinks. I enjoyed myself by stopping into a few of them, and one thing I noticed was that the people in these establishments were all extremely friendly and welcoming.

HotelTonight – Brady Street Hotels at the Drop of a Hat

Alas, the day had come to an end for me and it was time to find a place to sleep. I pulled out my phone, opened HotelTonight and found a Brady Street hotel within a minute or so. It was only about a block away from where I was, so I made the quick walk and fell into a slumber in my room that spoke to the wonderful time I had exploring this interesting neighborhood in Milwaukee.