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HotelTonight – West Seattle Hotels Are Ready for You

Seattle is a place that simply doesn't fall into any sort of cliche or predefined notion. It's unique, and every little area of the city offers something different and interesting. I've been traveling to Seattle for a few years now for work on a regular basis, and each time I've done something that helps me to get to know this place just a bit better. Instead of just jumping on a plane as soon as my work obligations are finished, I push that return flight out by 24 hours. I do so because that gives me some time to explore a new part of the city. By new part of the city, I mean a new neighborhood. When I'm here, I use those 24 hours to check out a part of Seattle that I have not yet seen. It gives me the opportunity to really get a feel for what life is like here and it removes the time pressure that comes with trying to see a big city in a short amount of time. I also have the HotelTonight app on my phone, so I knew that finding a West Seattle hotel room would be simple and fast.

The Independence

It seems clear as soon as you get into West Seattle that it wants to be known as West Seattle and not necessarily another part of Seattle. I stopped at a cafe and asked an older gentleman about that, as he told me he had lived here his whole life. He said that this little community has always had that attitude about being independent, and that it only agreed to be annexed by Seattle because it needed help with its infrastructure at the time. It was an interesting look at a place that feels totally separate from the big city nearby.

The Beach

One of the few things that you don't really hear about when you talk about Seattle is its beaches, and that's mostly owing to its wet weather. However, I discovered a wondrous beach here in West Seattle, known as Alki Beach. It extends out to a point and it sits along the water in such a way that it's almost wrapped around the tip of the peninsula on which West Seattle sits. It's gorgeous and it's peaceful, and it hardly seems like something you should expect to run into here.

The Parks

Aside from the beach, there are also a lot of different parks here. I spent some time walking through a few of them, and regardless of their size, each of them offered a lot of greenery, a lot of open space, a lot of joy from those who were already there and a lot of serenity. I love parks, and it's a testament to a community when it keeps its parks clean and fully operational for anyone who may want to use them. That's the case in West Seattle.

HotelTonight – West Seattle Hotels at the Ready

After all of that fresh air, I was ready to go somewhere to freshen up and relax. I opened my HotelTonight app and booked a West Seattle hotel room in seconds. I looked forward to relaxing and then a big night of sleep after a memorable and enjoyable day.